Steve Way, winner of 10k, 10 Mile and Half Marathon Club Championships

Steve Way, winner of 10k, 10 Mile and Half Marathon Club Championships

The Club Championship was inaugurated some years ago by Jon Sharkey, and the competition relates to age-graded performances in races of 10k, 10 miles and half marathon, with the intention that everyone has a chance of winning.
The competition runs from 1 November to 31 October each year, so that the awards can be presented at the Club’s Awards evening in November.
There has been a problem with keeping the 10 mile and half marathon tables up to date, but, with the help of Manol Dimitrov, this has now been resolved, and all the tables are now up to date to 31 October. The tables will be retained on the website for a short period, after which they will be replaced by the new tables, of which the half marathon will commence with Chris O’Brien‘s run at Lancaster, the 10 mile with the Wimborne 10 and the 10k with the Boscombe 10k (unless anyone knows of any other races?).
It will probably be no surprise that the winner of all three Road Championships is Steve Way, resulting from Steve‘s runs in the Poole 10k (31.11; 89.38%), New Forest 10 mile (50.43; 91.71%) and the Hackney Half Marathon (67.14; 90.94%). Many congratulations! In second place in all of the distances was Jacek Cieluszecki. Steve‘s awards will be presented at the Presentation Evening at AFC Bournemouth on Saturday 15 November, when Steve will be the guest speaker – why not purchase a ticket and come along (details on separate posting)?