1. | Name |
1.1. | The name of the club shall be Bournemouth Athletic Club |
2. | Colours |
2.1. | The Club colours will be amber vest with a vertical Royal Blue band over the left shoulder. The Royal Blue band on the front of the vest may embrace the wording ‘BOURNEMOUTH A.C.’ printed vertically. Shorts will be blue for men and women. |
3. | Club Premises |
3.1. | The Club’s headquarters will be at Kings Park Athletics Stadium, Kings Park Drive, Bournemouth, BH7 6JD. |
4. | Aim of the Club |
4.1. | The aim of the Club is to promote the pursuit of athletic competition in Track and Field, Cross Country, Road Running, Race Walking and Sportshall; to provide excellence in both coaching and facilities for its members and to enable them to reach their athletic potential within competitive structures, at all standards and age groups. |
5. | Structure |
5.1. | The Club is an equal opportunities organisation. It is the policy of the Club to promote equal opportunities for all people regardless of their age, ability, disability, gender, race, nationality, ethnicity, religion or belief or sexual orientation. The Club shall not knowingly act in any way that is an infringement of a member’s human rights. |
6. | Child Protection Officer |
6.1. | The Club has a Welfare Officer as specified by the Governing Body of England and British Athletics. |
7. | Management of the Club |
7.1. | The management and conduct of the Club’s activities shall be in the hands of the Executive Committee. |
7.2. | The Executive Committee will meet at least six times in any one year or more often at the discretion of the Chair or Honorary Secretary. The Honorary Secretary will give at least fourteen days notice of an Executive Committee Meeting, with an Agenda of the matters to be raised at the meeting. The Agenda should be posted on Club Notice Boards. |
7.3. | It is the responsibility of the Honorary Secretary to ensure that Minutes of any Executive Committee Meeting are distributed to all members of the Executive Committee and other co-opted members attending a specific meeting, within fourteen days of the meeting. |
7.4. |
The posts to be considered for election each year to form the Executive Committee will be as follows: Chairman, Vice Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Membership Secretary, Track Secretary, Officials’ Representative, Coaches’ Representative, Road Racing Representative, Cross Country Representative, Team Managers’ Representative, Transport Co-ordinator, Athletes’ Representative, Welfare Officer, Marketing Director, Wednesday Development Night Representative and Press Officer. The Committee will elect a President, usually for a two-year term. |
7.5. |
For any Committee decision to be binding the meeting must have a quorum of six members. In the event of equality of votes the Chairman has the casting vote. |
7.6. | The Chairman will take the chair at Executive Committee Meetings. In the absence of the Chairman, the Vice Chairman will chair the meeting. In the absence of both the Chairman and Vice Chairman, the Committee will nominate a person to chair the meeting, who may be the President. |
7.8. | The Executive Committee is empowered to:
7.9. | The four principal officers of the club – Chairman, Vice Chairman, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer are empowered to make a decision on any matter they consider needs an immediate decision, prior to the next Executive Committee Meeting, to ensure the continued fluent running of the club, with three out of the four officers agreeing such action. The Executive Committee to be advised of any such matter at the next Committee Meeting. |
8. | Annual General Meeting (AGM) |
8.1. |
The Annual General Meeting shall be held each year before the 31st March. Proposed alterations of Constitution and Rules, nominations of officers for the Executive Committee, and notice of any other matters properly dealt with at an AGM must all be sent to the Honorary Secretary by the end of January. All nominations for Executive Committee posts are to be proposed and seconded by bona fide members of the Club and signed by the nominee. The Honorary Secretary will circulate notice of the Annual General Meeting to members of the Executive Committee at least 21 days before the meeting. A general notification and a provisional agenda will be displayed on Notice Boards at the Kings Park Athletics Stadium at least 21 days before the meeting. This notification will indicate which of the Committee members will be happy to continue in office and where vacancies exist. It will also indicate that if additional nominations and motions are received they will be displayed on the club’s Notice Boards. A notification of the date of the AGM shall be placed on the club website at least 21 days before the meeting. |
8.2. |
In the event that there is more than one nomination for an elected post on the Executive Committee and / or an additional motion to be placed on the Agenda for the Annual General Meeting, which has been duly received in writing by the Honorary Secretary, the Honorary Secretary will ensure that the additions to the previously published Agenda will be displayed on all Notice Boards. A copy of the final agenda, Minutes of the previous AGM, the Chair’s Report and the Honorary Treasurer’s Report for the year ended on 31st December of the previous year shall be available to all members attending the meeting. |
8.3. | A minimum of 8 members entitled to vote are required to form a quorum. |
8.4. | The formal business of the AGM shall comprise:
Only First Claim Members aged 16 years plus may vote at an Annual General Meeting. A resolution to change the Constitution and Rules shall require a 2/3rd majority. All other resolutions shall be determined by a simple majority. Voting by proxy is not allowed (the definition of “proxy” is that someone else votes on behalf of another person unable to attend). In the event of equality of votes the Chairman has the casting vote. |
9. | Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) |
9.1. | An Extraordinary General Meeting must be convened by the Honorary Secretary within 21 days of receipt of a request in writing of a minimum of 10 members, entitled to vote, stating the reason for which the meeting is to be convened, or if instructed to do so by the Executive Committee. |
9.2. | If the Honorary Secretary should fail to convene the EGM as requested, then the Executive Committee may convene the meeting instead. If the Executive Committee fail to do so within a further 21 days then the members calling for such a meeting may convene the meeting |
9.3. | At least 14 days notice of the date of the EGM must be given to club members, specifying the business to be discussed. Only the Notice of the EGM should be displayed prominently on the Club’s Notice Boards and web site. |
9.4. | A minimum of 8 members entitled to vote must be present to form a quorum. The majority required to pass the resolution shall be stated in the Notice convening the meeting. (The majority being determined as in 8.7 (7) already stated). |
9.5. | Only First Claim Members aged 16 years plus may vote at an EGM. |
9.6. | Voting by proxy is not allowed (the definition of “proxy” is that someone else votes on behalf of another person unable to attend). |
9.7. | In the event of equality of votes the Chairman has the casting vote. |
10. | Club Finances |
10.1. | The Honorary Treasurer will have the responsibility for controlling the income and expenditure and future budgeting of the Club. At each Executive Committee Meeting the Treasurer shall advise the meeting of the current financial situation. If the Treasurer is unable to be present, then a written report should be made available for the members of the committee. |
10.2. | Banking arrangements can only be changed by agreement of the Executive Committee. |
10.3. |
BACS transfers will be used to pay for goods where possible, by those individuals appropriately set up within the banking system (i.e. following the banks rules). Payments can be made by single individuals included on the list of roles that can sign cheques. Cheques issued by the Club must be signed by two of the following persons: The Honorary Treasurer, Chairman, Vice Chairman, Honorary Secretary and Membership Secretary. |
10.4. | All income (e.g. subscriptions, track fees, coach fare receipts, sale of kit, profits from draws and raffles) must be passed to the Honorary Treasurer to be paid into the Club accounts at the earliest opportunity following receipt. |
10.5. | The Club’s financial year shall run from 1st January to 31st December, for accounting purposes. The Honorary Treasurer shall organise a stock taking and valuation exercise of all the Club’s assets to be undertaken on or as near as possible to 31st December each year. As soon as possible after the end of the financial year, and before 31st March, at the next Executive Committee Meeting the Honorary Treasurer should present a copy of the un-audited accounts for the previous financial year together with a budgetary estimate of expenditure for the coming year. |
10.6. | An audited set of accounts must be prepared by the Honorary Treasurer and presented at the time of the AGM. These accounts should be audited by competent person/s independent from the Club. These arrangements shall be determined by the Honorary Treasurer and approved by the Executive Committee or if necessary, auditors for the ensuing year can be elected at the AGM. |
10.7. | Members shall be indemnified out of Club assets only for liabilities properly incurred on behalf of the club. |
10.8. | Expenditure on behalf of the Club for items less than £250 shall not be entered into unless approved by the Honorary Treasurer, or the Honorary Secretary and Chairman together, or agreed at an Executive Committee Meeting |
10.9. | Exceptional expenditure in excess of £250 outside of agreed budgets must be authorised by at least three of the principal officers of the Executive Committee and the Committee to be advised of the same at the next meeting. |
11. | Subscriptions and Membership |
11.1. | All members are required to pay membership fees, unless otherwise stated. The rates of membership will be set by the Executive Committee. Membership categories shall include Senior, Junior (Under 20), Under 11 and Road Runners. Membership fees may be waived temporarily or reduced at the discretion of the Executive Committee, on the grounds of financial hardship. |
11.2. | Membership is open to all irrespective of ability, sex or ethnic origin, provided that the applicant is at least 8 years of age and there are no objections on the grounds of any misconduct. A person whose behaviour has been inappropriate may not be admitted to membership. Inappropriate behaviour may include failure to pay training fees when due or to abide by instructions reasonably given by a coach or committee member or inappropriate use of facilities. |
11.3. | Any person wishing to become a member must complete an application form and pay the appropriate membership fee. For proposed members under the age of 16 years this form must be signed by a parent or legal guardian. Formal acceptance of membership will be considered at the next Executive Committee Meeting. |
11.4. |
The categories and conditions of membership are as follows: Life Members This is an honour awarded by the Club for meritorious service to the Club or, in the case of active athletes, as a consequence of being awarded a Senior Great Britain International Vest, provided that they have served at least 2 years club membership. Life Membership is at the Executive Committee’s discretion. The confirmation of this award will be at an AGM. There will be no formal obligation for Life Members to pay annual membership fees. First Claim Active Membership This is the main category of membership for those wishing to belong to the club. It is the only category for any athlete wishing to compete for the Club under the British Athletics First Claim Rule. First Claim Honorary / Associate Membership Non competing members who wish to have an involvement in Club affairs. Such members will be entitled to vote at an AGM/EGM Second Claim Active Membership Athletes may become Second Claim Members and compete as such in competitions which specifically state in Rules that its competition is open to Second Claim Members. |
11.5. | Training Fees shall be set by the Executive Committee. An Annual Season Ticket shall be available which shall permit training on Club nights. The Club may provide benefits to members including access to the onsite gym and subsidised physiotherapy. Subject to Committee approval, access to such facilities shall normally be restricted to First Claim members who in the case of gym use must be season ticket holders |
11.6. | An up to date list of members’ names and current addresses, telephone numbers and category of membership shall be retained by the Membership Secretary. The distribution of this list must be approved by the Executive Committee. The Membership List is covered by the Data Protection Act. |
11.7. | Notice of resignation must be in writing to the Membership Secretary who must consider the resignation with one other officer of the Executive Committee. For that resignation to be confirmed any outstanding subscriptions must be paid and club property returned. Failure to do so could delay the effective date of resignation. |
11.8. | A member who is more than six months in arrears with paying membership fees due shall forfeit the right to vote at General Meetings and may be considered to have lapsed their membership of the Club. |
11.9. |
Encouragement shall be given to people associated with the club who wish to gain coaching or officiating qualifications. At the discretion of the Committee the club shall: 1. Refund course fee paid by a potential official once that official has qualified at level 1 after officiating at four events in which the club is involved; 2. Pay course fee for a potential Coaching Assistant who has already been helping for 6 months or refund course fee once a person has qualified as a Coaching Assistant and has helped continuously for 6 months with the Wednesday Development or any other coaching group within the wider club; 3. Pay 50 % of course fee for a potential coach and refund the remaining 50% subject to person qualifying as a coach and coaching for the club for a year. |
12. | Discipline |
12.1. | Any person guilty of inappropriate conduct, including:
will render themselves liable to suspension or expulsion from the Club. Immediate suspension from the club may be imposed by the Chairman or Vice-Chairman plus one other officer of the Club in appropriate cases. Otherwise, subject to clause 12.2, a vote at an Executive Committee Meeting by a majority of the members present is required before a member of the club can be suspended, expelled or called upon to resign. The member concerned may appeal against any decision as allowed in the National Governing Body for Athletic Rules. |
12.2. |
Subject to clause 12.1, which permits suspension in appropriate cases, if the Executive Committee consider that there is evidence that any person is in breach of the rules or if it appears to the Executive Committee that the continued membership of the club by any person is detrimental to the club, it may instruct the Honorary Secretary to write to or email the person setting out the alleged issue and invite the person in question to comment thereon in writing or by email by a specified date which, unless the Executive Committee otherwise directs, shall not be less than 14 days after the date the letter was sent. The Executive Committee shall consider the response (if any) at its next convenient meeting and if it is satisfied that the continued membership of the club by the person in question is not in the best interests of the club, it shall refer the matter to a Disciplinary Committee appointed by it which shall consist of three, four or five people, none of whom shall be directly interested in the matter otherwise than as members of the club. The Disciplinary Committee shall make such further enquiries as it thinks fit and shall afford to the person against whom the allegation has been made a reasonable opportunity to appear before it and state their case and answer the allegations brought against them and the Committee shall hear such witnesses as he/she reasonably produces. The Disciplinary Committee shall also allow the person against whom the allegations have been made the right to be accompanied and/or represented by a friend. It shall make such procedural provisions as shall be necessary for the just and efficient disposal of the case remitted to it. If it is satisfied that a breach of the rules has occurred and/or that the continued membership of the club by the person in question is not in the best interests of the club the Disciplinary Committee may recommend to the Executive Committee one or more of the following penalties:
The Disciplinary Committee shall report its recommendation to the Executive Committee in writing within seven calendar days and the Executive Committee shall determine its decision as soon as practicable thereafter. A term of suspension starts from the time it is determined unless otherwise stipulated and does not expire until the close of the day named in the decision. Every person suspended, expelled or disqualified or otherwise dealt with shall be notified in writing by hand or by recorded delivery post or by e mail within seven working days of the decision. |
12.3. |
A Development Night is run by the club for young people many of whom are not members of the club. This initiative is managed by a Development Group, which meets regularly, and makes recommendations to the Executive Committee. The Development Group may formulate a Code of Conduct for young people attending Development Night. Breach of this code of conduct shall result in the young person being liable to the sanctions detailed therein. Any appeal against a sanction shall be considered in accordance with clauses 12.2 – 12.3. |
13. | The Club’s Official Web Site |
13.1. | The Club has an official web site which is accessible to viewers from all over the world, therefore this site is to be used for club matters only. The person/persons responsible for the placing of information on the web site to make the appropriate checks that the information is correct. If there is a doubt that this is so, then the matter should be brought to the attention of the Chairman and the Honorary Secretary, before placing the information on the club web site. It is left to the person/persons placing the data on the web site’s own integrity and judgement in these matters. |
14. | Dissolution of the Club |
14.1. | The Club can only be dissolved through a Resolution called for that purpose at either the Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting called specifically for that purpose. If the Resolution is passed a further EGM must be convened at least one month after the meeting. At a date agreed when dissolution is finalised the Executive Committee shall dispose of any property and other assets and discharge the Club’s liabilities up to the financial limit of the Club’s assets at the date of dissolution. Any balance outstanding will be donated to one or more Community Amateur Sports Clubs, registered Charities or the Sport’s Governing Body, as agreed at the Dissolution Meeting whereupon dissolution will be considered complete |
14.2. | The Constitution and Rules |
14.3. | A copy of the Constitution and Rules shall be given to every member of the Executive Committee. A copy shall be kept in the Club Room at all times and available for any member to see and it will be available on the Club’s web site. Any member can request a hard copy of the Constitution and Rules from the Honorary Secretary. |
14.4 | Any amendment to the Constitution and Rules will be through a Resolution at the Annual General Meeting or at a specifically convened Extraordinary General Meeting. |
This Constitution was adopted by Bournemouth Athletic Club at the Annual General Meeting held on 12th March 2019