Bournemouth Athletic Club
Coronavirus Update – 3rd June 2020
Thanks to all those members who are using the track responsibly, meeting EA rules and social distancing requirements. This behaviour has helped and will help in our discussions with the Council.
This update has been prepared following receipt of England Athletics guidance published on 1st June 2020. It can be found here:
This update has been agreed by the Vice Chair, Secretary, Membership Secretary and Coaches Representative
Before the club can resume activities, it needs to produce a club plan and follow a detailed risk assessment process detailed by England Athletics. This involves the appointment of a Covid 19 Coordinator. Without this we are uninsured. We are working on this.
Since the last update government regulations have been amended to allow (subject to maintaining social distancing) up to 6 people to gather outdoors. This could be a coach and 5 athletes or 2 coaches and 4 athletes.
- The club can prescribe how club activities operate. IT IS, HOWEVER, THE RESPONSIBILITY OF EVERY MEMBER, OR THE IN THE CASE OF YOUNGER MEMBERS THEIR PARENTS OR GUARDIANS, TO FOLLOW GOVERNMENT GUIDANCE AND KEEP SAFE. Coaches and Officials also have a responsibility to ensure that any activities they supervise take place in a safe environment.
- The Council currently unlocks the track on weekdays from 7am till 6.30pm weekdays but this is subject to staff being available. Club members with a key to the track are permitted to open the gate at other time but MUST lock it again.
- Wednesday Development Night and all club training sessions are suspended until further notice.
- Any use of the track is effectively an arrangement between the user and the Council. However, season tickets are valid.
- Athletes and coaches are encouraged to stagger visits to the track to times when the track is quietest. Please allow priority to keyworkers and others whose ability to visit the track will be relatively limited.
- The buildings at the Track, including the toilets, remain closed.
- EA guidance prohibits the use of beds and pits. The Council has decided not to reopen cages yet. Beds, pits and cages may not be used.
- The gym remains closed in accordance with government and EA guidance. Please report anyone seen using the gym to a committee member.
- In order to prevent the possibility of virus transmission, BAC equipment may not be used. Please report anyone seen using club equipment to a committee member. However, we would welcome suggestions for safe use of equipment by individuals or coaches.
- All athletics leagues, the County Championships and Dorset Schools have been postponed or cancelled for the year. More information on leagues from the Team Manager.
- Coaches will, no doubt, wish to continue liaising with their coaching group about the best way of enabling athletes to maintain their fitness levels. The Club encourages the production of virtual training resources.
- We all want to see club activities begin to get under way again. When they do, we need to make sure this is in a safe environment.
- We are working with the Council to find ways of safely reopening the toilets with access to handwash and paper towels or effective hand driers.
- We are working with the Council on safely reopening other facilities.
- When it is possible for group training to restart, the club plans to negotiate with the Council to stagger sessions. We will work with the Council to maximise the time when we have exclusive use of the track. We will work with coaches to even out use of the track and facilities to ensure fairness for all members, particularly keyworkers whose leisure time is less flexible. We will also work to ensure access to first aid equipment. We recognise that it will be some time before it is safe to restart the Wednesday Night Development Group.
- When buildings and equipment are able to be used, we need to ensure everyone has access to appropriate cleaning materials. Once club sessions restart, the club plans to trial paying for any sanitiser, handwash, paper towels and anything else reasonably necessary that is purchased by a coach for use during training sessions.
- We will take as many payments as possible contactless (we have a card reader) or online.
- We will review membership charges and season tickets for the current year and 2021. We will consult members on options taking into account the lack of opportunity to train and compete set against ongoing costs unavoidably incurred by the club. In the meantime, in fairness to all, any outstanding payments for 2020 should be made without delay.
- We will work with local and regional bodies to promote competition when it is safe (and legal) for this to take place.
For updates please watch the BAC website and BAC Athletes page on Facebook. Alternatively, contact your coach for updates.
In the meantime, if you have any thoughts or suggestions please email them to