Track Etiquette

Bournemouth Athletic Club

Track Etiquette

A reminder on Track Etiquette. The following rules have been agreed by Committee for the benefit of all using the track.
1. Be aware at all times what is happening around you.
2. When training at distances in excess of 100metres always run in an anti-clockwise direction.
3. Athletes on completing their lap or rep should immediately step off the track or move out into lanes 5 and 6 being aware of any athletes using these lanes for straight line sprinting.
4. When starting a lap or rep. care should be taken not to impede or restrict an athlete already in progress. Note do not stand in lanes 1,2 or 3 until you are ready to start your run.
5. Good manners and thought for other fellow athletes should be exercised at all times irrespective of age.
6. When overtaking an athlete with a lap or rep. in progress, the over taking athlete must overtake on the outside leaving sufficient space and not cutting to the inside until he or she is one stride clear of the athlete being overtaken.
7. Do not cross the in field of the track at anytime as throwing events / training maybe in progress.
8. Use of starting blocks on the home and back straights should be confined to lanes 4-8. Use of starting blocks on the bends should be confined to lanes 6-8.
9. The finishing area should be kept clear at all times [a 10-15metre clear zone maybe needed].
10. Lane 1 should only be used where possible for timed runs only. This is to avoid excessive wear of the track surface.
11. In group training warm up drills should be confined to 5 lanes only but not lanes 1,2 or 3.
12. Anyone athlete shouting the term TRACK should be aware that it is only used when someone is not aware of your on coming presence putting them in danger. It should not be used for overtaking other athletes.