XC Registration – General

Registration for Hampshire and Wessex Cross Country Leagues 2024/5

You can use this form to register for the Hampshire and Wessex Cross Country Leagues. 

Please note the following:

  1. You must be a fully paid up member of the club and have paid your EA fee
  2. You will automatically be entered for both leagues (except U11s – Wessex League only)
  3. You should receive an acknowledgement email from the Wessex League – please treat this as confirmation that you are also entered in the Hampshire League (except U11s)
  4. Registration for the Wessex League closes about 10 days prior to each race (once you’re registered you are registered for all races).  If you aren’t registered you won’t be able to run (except possibly as a guest at the discretion of the organiser).  In some circumstances registration post-race for the Hampshire League is possible (not to be relied on)
  5. This arrangement applies ONLY to the Hampshire and Wessex Leagues and NOT to any subsequent competition, such as Southern or National XC Championships
  6. You will need to enter individually (and pay the entry fee) by the closing date if you wish to be counted in the County XC Championship at Canford on 15 December (if you don’t enter the Championship but are registered for the League you can still compete but your result will only count towards the League).

The fixture dates are as follows:

Wessex XC: 6 October Canford Heath, 3 November Bryanston, 15 December Canford School (also County Championship)

Hampshire XC: 12 October Popham Airfield Basingstoke, 9 November Wellesley Woods Aldershot, 30 November Kings Park Bournemouth, 11 January Prospect Park Reading, 8 February TBA.

If you wish to submit a registration please complete this form: