BAC would like to wish the very best of luck to all those athletes competing in their regional schools championships, whether it be in the South West champs at Yeovil, or the South East champs at Crawley.
The club is very lucky to have such a talented bunch of athletes representing both their county and their school.
I (Sarah) will be competing at the SAL match (good luck to everyone there too), so will write a report on proceedings there. But I know that in the past, athletes and their parents have been keen to see write-ups of the schools events. If anyone is a willing volunteer to write anything for either schools competition, then please let me know. If not, I can write up a summary, but it will obviously be lacking in the detail of tension, suspense and action that the SAL report will involve, due to my actual being at said SAL match and thus witnessing said tension, suspense, and action.
Also, if anyone takes any pictures, which they would like to be used in reports, or posted on the website, again let me know, and I could sort something out.
Again, good luck to one and all, I hope it all goes well!