NAL Update 2021

A brief update about the National Athletics League (NAL) as things stand heading to 2021.  The NAL is the national level track and field competition for Senior and U20 men and women and Bournemouth AC are in the 2nd Tier of this known as the “Championship” division.

The NAL committee is planning both for a Plan A (where things can go ahead as normal in 2021) and a Plan B, where things are more restrictive still and thus would involve a competition structure with less travelling.  We all hope for Plan A and I can let you have some details of that now…

The NAL Committee has listened to the wishes of the clubs and athletes and most fixtures now are on Saturdays.  The fixtures for Bournemouth AC are PROVISIONALLY as follows…

Sat 15-May SportCity, Manchester

Sat 5-Jun King’s Park, Bournemouth

Sat 3-Jul Chelmsford

Sun 8-Aug Bedford


The overall structure along with the teams at each match is here…

I shall once again be taking the lead in managing the NAL in 2021 along with Amy Spencer who will help particularly on the ladies side.  We have an opportunity to once again look to boost the team as we head into 2021 and work is progressing on that ☺.  With a year’s gap from league competition and some club athletes now progressing well and moving up into the U20 age group, we hope to see some fresh faces in the team in 2021.  I’m sure that Bournemouth AC will continue to show that it’s an extremely enthusiastic team.



Tim Hughes.