Bournemouth Athletic Club are very pleased to announce that we have entered into a partnership agreement with the AECC University College Clinical Services.  This will allow members of BAC to receive specialist care at a discounted price at the same time as supporting the University College’s aims of improving the health and wellbeing in the local community.

BAC members are now able to receive a 20% discount of all services provided within the Student Chiropractic Placement Clinic – this is a discount on what is already an attractive price.  The AECC University College offers a full Physiotherapy service as well as Chiropractic and various other Performance Health related services.

In addition, for a limited period of time running from 30th January until 13th March 2023, BAC members may receive a FREE New Patient (initial) appointment as well as the 20% discount for follow-up appointments for treatment – subject to their attending an early morning triage appointment with Year 3 students.

BAC Members are also able to receive a 20% discount off their first booking of six sessions of the University College’s Alter-G Anti-Gravity treadmill.

All BAC members wishing to attend assessment and treatment sessions at the AECC University College must be fully paid up members of BAC for 2023 and they will be required to show their BAC 2023 Membership Card at the clinic reception in order to verify this.

Please see the AECC University College’s website for details of the Student Chiropractic Clinic and also browse their website for the full range of Clinical and Rehabilitation services that they provide….

Please make bookings directly with the AECC University Clinic, quoting that you are a BAC member.  They can be contacted on 01202 436222 and


Tim Hughes

BAC Vice Chairman.