Please do follow the Government guidelines when doing the sessions which is currently you may now train in groups of 6 outside but you must maintain the 2 metre distance at all times (unless they’re from the same household).
This week’s session is devised by Joy Wright who holds the Assistant Coaching Licence with England athletics, and has coached athletics at BAC since 2015 in middle distance and Junior Development. She also has qualifications in Sports Science and Clinical Nutrition. Joy is a competing athlete for BAC and has competed at county and national levels including the AAA World Trials. Joy now competes at masters level and has been ranked in GB top 10 in 400m, 200m, 100m hurdles, HJ and LJ. Joy also has experience in endurance and ultra marathons including coming 3rd in IrishTriathlon Championships.
The aim of this session is to incorporate some of the activities you need to progress your skills as a runner and jumper.
These skills compliment each other for example, a runner will benefit from jump training known as plyometric training as well as upper body strength such as press ups to support good running technique.
The warm up
Ensure your body is well prepared for the strain of exercise by increasing blood flow to the muscles & getting the right muscles fired up and ready to go. This includes dynamic stretching such as walking lunges.
Warm up
8-10 mins easy jogging
Dynamic stretches
Walking lunges
Squats, stepping sideways. Swap lead leg on repeat
Walking toe taps
High-knee Skips
10 x each leg, walk back & repeat
Drills (improve speed, form & efficiency)
High Knees
Straight-leg bounds
Single leg hops aiming for height 10 x each leg.
Walking Leg Swings
Side Leg Swings
*see below
Drills should be completed for 20-30m.
Walk back to where you started before beginning the next drill.
Perform 2 sets of each one before beginning the next exercise.
2 x10 press ups, pushing up fast with the aim of lifting the hands off the ground.
2 x 20 bent knee situps
4 x 40m sprints.
Walk back to the start. Aim to speed up slightly for each one (tip: start easy). Be very controlled & Aim for good, strong technique!
4 x 20-30m fast starts. Choose between a full crouched start or half bend, keeping low. Note: look down, stay low and have a gradual phased acceleration.
Remember not to apply the brakes too quickly and overload the quads.
Run Repeats
Run 4 x 100m at 90% effort so almost flat out with enough left to complete all 4 well.
Walk back slowly to recover, approx 3 minutes. Older athletes can complete 6 reps if not slowing and the technique is not tiring.
Cool down
Jog at least 5 minutes 1-2 laps.
Practice stretching after every session, in particular the hamstrings, quadriceps, hip flexor and calves.
Squat: Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart and your toes pointing straight ahead. It’s also ok if your toes are pointing slightly outward. Sit back with your butt like you’re sitting down in a chair until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Drive your heels down and return to the standing position, ensuring your lower back stays in a neutral position.
Walking Lunge: Step forward with your right leg, flexing the knees and dropping your hips. Descend until your left knee almost touches the ground. Drive your right heel into the ground and push yourself back to a standing position while taking a step forward. Repeat with the opposite leg. Maintain a tall, erect posture and ensure your knee does not go significantly beyond the toes while lunging.
Walking Leg Swings: With your hands straight out in front of you, swing your right leg up toward your right hand. Keep both knees straight and repeat on the opposite side.
High-knee Skips: Skip forward and drive your right knee up so it’s about parallel to the ground and drive your foot back down to the ground. Alternate each leg. Keep your back tall with an exaggerated arm swing and make sure you don’t slam your feet on the ground.
Side Leg Swings: Standing in front of a wall or pole for support, swing your leg parallel to the support so your foot comes up to about hip level. Make sure to keep your swing leg straight but don’t lock your knee.
Keep safe and well everyone
Best Wishes from Junior Development coaches