Please do follow the Government guidelines when doing the sessions which is currently you may now train in groups of 6 outside but you must maintain the 2 metre distance at all times (unless they’re from the same household).

This week’s session is devised by Dave Pain who holds the Coaching Licence with England athletics, and is Group eight leader for our Junior Development Group and a sprints coach for the wider club.

This week- Wednesday 26th August 2020- Half the repetitions for groups 1-4

Warm up and stretching:
Jog on grass for about 400m.
Mixture of static and dynamic stretching.

High knees, kick backs, walking lunges, bounding, speed drills (rat-a-tats), run throughs at 80% over 30m.

Session 1 – speed endurance session –
Controlled running at 80%, focus on technique:
150m run, walk back recovery
Do the 3 runs above, have a 5 minute rest, then repeat (6 runs in total)

Session 2 – Speed session:
Fast sprints over 60m, with either standing or crouch start.
Do 8 runs in total.

Cool down:
Jog on grass for 400m, followed by gentle stretching.

Circuits (at home):
Press ups –  20 reps
Sit ups –  20 reps
Squats – 20 reps
Skipping or running on the spot for 30 seconds
Press ups – 10 reps
Sit ups – 10 reps
Squats – 10 reps

Keep safe and well everyone

Best Wishes from Junior Development coaches