Dear athletes,

Please find the latest  of the weekly planned sessions which have been designed by our very own coaches. Please do follow the Government guidelines when doing the sessions which is currently not training in groups and a maximum number of two which must be from the same household. 

This week’s session is devised by Leon, Esmee and Finley Hurst Atkins.

Leon is a Cricket manger for a local under 9’s team and earlier in his life has had over 50 amateur boxing bouts as a school boy up to his 20’s.

Leon is a keen runner. He is more of an obstacle runner than track or road, and has done a few Tough Mudders and Spartans, although Leon has also done a triathlon

Leon is currently a qualified coaching assistant and is planning to obtain his full athletics coaching qualification as soon as he can, COVID-19 depending.

If you can go for a gentle jog, run for approx 5 mins (just like you would at the athletics track when you get there) 400m.
All these videos are just little reminders of what you do at the club.
(Try and get your Mum & Dad to join in if you haven’t got a brother or sister to train with)
Warm up Session
Approx 15 minutes
Reaction Starts/Timing
Approx 15 minutes
Shuttle Runs
Approx 15 minutes
Strength and Conditioning
Approx 15-20 minutes

These are just demonstrations from Esmee and Finley. So stay comfortable in your workout. Do a little more if you can or do another exercise if some of them are uncomfortable. (It’s all about enjoying yourself)
Here’s a few more you can do…..
Hill climbers x 1 minute
Crunches sets of 10-20
Wall squats, holding for 1 minute
Warm Down
Another 5min gentle jog (approx 400m)
Then do some stretching.
Try and start from your feet then moving up through your body up to your head.
Approx 5 minutes.

All sessions:


Best Wishes from Junior Development coaches              

 Best wishes we hope you are all keeping well,

From all of the Coaches at Junior Development