Session 26-08-2020

Session 26-08-2020

TRAINING SESSION FOR JUNIOR DEVELOPMENT- WEDNESDAY 26th August 2020  Please do follow the Government guidelines when doing the sessions which is currently you may now train in groups of 6 outside but you must maintain the 2 metre distance at all times (unless...
Session 26-08-2020

Session 11-08-2020

TRAINING SESSION FOR JUNIOR DEVELOPMENT- WEDNESDAY 11th August 2020  Please do follow the Government guidelines when doing the sessions which is currently you may now train in groups of 6 outside but you must maintain the 2 metre distance at all times (unless...
Session 26-08-2020

Session 05-08-2020

TRAINING SESSION FOR JUNIOR DEVELOPMENT- WEDNESDAY 5th August 2020  Please do follow the Government guidelines when doing the sessions which is currently you may now train in groups of 6 outside but you must maintain the 2 metre distance at all times (unless...
Session 26-08-2020

Session 17-06-2020

TRAINING SESSION FOR JUNIOR DEVELOPMENT- WEDNESDAY 17th June 2020  Please do follow the Government guidelines when doing the sessions which is currently you can train in groups of six outside but you must maintain the 2 metre distance at all times (unless...
Session 26-08-2020

Session 10-06-2020

TRAINING SESSION FOR JUNIOR DEVELOPMENT- WEDNESDAY 10th June 2020  Please do follow the Government guidelines when doing the sessions which is currently you can train in groups of six outside but you must maintain the 2 metre distance at all times (unless...